What's New in All EZ Suite 11 Products?
New NAB Presence Checker
The new NAB Presence Checker functionality allows you to check entries (Agent Signers, ACL Entries, Group Members, etc…) against the NAB. When enabled, this feature will apply red colour coding to indicate that the marked records were NOT found in the current Domino Names and Address book. For a detailed description of how this feature is used across the individual products, please refer to the links below.
Please note that the new "Check Presence in NAB" option is enabled by default. If you have a large NAB and a poor connection, the NAB Checker process may stall your system.
This feature is present in scanEZ, aclEZ, agentEZ, databaseEZ and signEZ, and can be enabled/disabled in the Options menu (in scanEZ, this can be done in the ACL interface's "Expand..." drop down menu). The last chosen state remains on subsequent starts of the tool until it is changed by the user.
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New Restriction of Product Functions
All tools can now be customized to define which functions are accessible/inaccessible to the user. Restrictions are assigned to a specific license key via the Key Depository Database. The Help menu in the products includes a link to a webpage explaining which features are currently restricted.
When configuring the license Key Depository from the login section of our website, you can now select the "Create new with restriction" function to specify your restriction details.
Restriction selection interface:
Restricted license keys in the Key Depository database:
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New Switch ID Capability
It is now possible to switch ID's within each tool without affecting your Notes session. You can also have several sessions of the same tool (for example, scanEZ) opened under various IDs.
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Enhanced Modification Logging System
The Modification Logging system has been vastly improved since the last release. Log documents now contain more information on what has been done. Logging can be enforced and users are offered a way to document their changes by adding comments to log documents when applying their modifications within the products.
Input of user comments
You can now include comments in all product/log reports and explain what was done in your own words. Note that using the new restriction system, you can enforce certain users to make comments describing their actions before saving the changes they made.
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Additional Grid Filters
Your analysis and search experience provided by the standard Ytria grid is improved with additional Time, Date, and Number filters implemented for all the products.
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Custom Formatting for Grid Cells and Groups
The new custom formatting allows you to set the format-type you wish to display in Cells or Groups. These settings can be customized for each column individually.
Tabs for Date and Number settings allow you to select your preferred format for each.
This shows you an example of different formats used on the same column for the Grouping (month and year) and for the cell itself (weekday, day month and time).
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New XML Exporting
This powerful addition to the existing export methods in the right-click menu's "Grid Actions" section allows you now to export your selection in an XML format. This convenient format gives you the ability to work with your data the way you want.
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New Vertical Column Titles (F11)
Since most EZ Suite products let you access huge amounts of information in the standard Ytria grid, it is vital to oversee your selected columns at all times. Use the F11 key to activate/deactivate the display of vertical column titles in all products.
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Inline Product Tour
Activate the Inline Product Tour by pressing the F12 key. This tour highlights some of the key features in each product, and you can use the F12 key to jump to the next tip.
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IBM Notes 9 Bug Fix
The issue regarding the error message obtained when selecting / changing server(s) in any of the Ytria tools in IBM Notes 9 has been resolved.
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What's New in scanEZ 11?
New Save and Load "My Selection" to File
You can now save your My Selections to a file by right-clicking on the upper-most folder, or from the Database menu directly. This file can later be loaded, so that you get to your important selection in no time.
Save this My Selection to file
Located in the right-click menu, you can use the "Save this My Selection to file" function to save the current Selection only.
Save all My Selections to file
You can also take a snapshot of all your My Selections using the Database menu's "Save all 'My Selections' to File" action.
Replace My Selections from file
You can load a snapshot of My Selections from file by replacing the current My Selection structure.
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New Conflict Counter
The new conflict counter displays both the total number of parent-conflicts, and the total number of conflict documents found per parent.
In the example below, there are a total of 5 parent-conflicts. However, the last one at the bottom contains 2 actual conflict documents, so the total number of conflict documents adds up to 6.
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New Phantom Parent Finder
The Document Analyzer now offers the option to find all phantom documents that were created by Notes during replication because the parent was missing.
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Enhanced DXL Import Dialogue
New parameters and import log management are now available and you are now able to import multiple DXL files at once.
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New NAB Presence Checker
In scanEZ's ACL interface, the NAB Presence Checker functionality allows you to check if an ACL entry/Resolved User (displayed in the 'members' column when the "Expand Nested Groups" feature is enabled) is present in the NAB. When enabled, this feature will use red colour coding to indicate that the marked records were NOT found in the current Domino Names and Address book.
Please note that the new "Check Presence in NAB" option is enabled by default. If you have a large NAB and a poor connection, the NAB Checker process may stall your system.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in the ACL interface's "Expand..." drop down menu. The last chosen state remains on subsequent starts of the tool until it is changed by the user.
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New Selection Function in "Checkbox Selection" Menu
This new feature allows you to simply select checkbox selected documents in the current My Selection folder, or in another (highlighted in the image below) My Selection folder.
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Enhancement of the notes.ini Editor
The new right-click menu lets you get the best out of the notes.ini editor by offering the full range of our popular Grid-Actions like the Find or Export commands and so much more!
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What's New in aclEZ 11?
New NAB Presence Checker
The "Check Presence in NAB" feature in aclEZ allows you to check if an ACL entry is present in the NAB. When enabled, this feature will apply red colour coding to indicate that the marked records were NOT found in the current Domino Names and Address Book.
Besides the colour coding, an additional flag will mark these entries in the "Is in NAB" Column. This can be used for grouping to quickly let you spot ALL invalid ACL Entries and/or users on your server at once!
Please note that the new "Check Presence in NAB" option is enabled by default. If you have a large NAB and a poor connection, the NAB Checker process may stall your system.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in the Options menu. The last chosen state remains on subsequent starts of the tool until it is changed by the user.
Main Grid
If the "Check Presence in NAB" feature is enabled, all ACL Entries (displayed in the Name column) and actual resolved user records (displayed in the Members column if Nested groups are expanded) are checked for their presence in the NAB.
Global ACL Properties – Last Signer
In the Global ACL Properties panel, the "Last Signature – Signer" column values are checked against the NAB. You can also use the flag in the "Is 'Last Signature' in NAB" column to find databases with alien signers even faster.
Global ACL Properties – Mail Owner
In the Global ACL Properties panel, the "Mail Owner" column values are checked against the NAB. You can also use the flag in the "Is 'Mail Owner' in NAB" column to find 'orphan' mailboxes even faster.
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New NAB Group Navigator Features
Check Presence in your NAB
Similarly to the main aclEZ grid, the NAB group Navigator also offers the way to check for the presence of each entry displayed. This is done on both the Tree and Grid layout interfaces:
- In the Tree layout interface, colour coding is applied to not only records that aren't found in the NAB, but also to all the groups that contain them.
- In the Grid interface, records not found in the NAB have been tagged with the [X] characters so you can easily filter them.
Manage group types
You can now manage group types with aclEZ's NAB group navigator. You can see the indicator icon in the Tree Layout and a new column that we added to identify group types in the Grid Layout.
You can also load only groups of a certain type using an additional filter.
Filter incompatible groups
A practical addition to the existing group-related filters, the incompatible groups filter will warn you if group A contains any groups different from its own type.
Filter "ACL Only" type groups that contain email addresses
Enabling this filter will load all "ACL Only" type groups that contain email addresses instead of person records.
Filter "Nested Groups Exceeding Max Count"
Loading your groups once having enabled this filter will show you all groups where the nested structure goes beyond 20 layers.
Delete group members directly
Using aclEZ, you now have a way to delete members from groups without having to open your NAB.
The "Remove member(s) from group(s)" feature is available in both the Tree and Grid layouts.
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What's New in agentEZ 11?
New NAB Presence Checker
Agent signature information is checked against the NAB. In case no record is found, the below colour coding is applied. You can also use the "Is 'Signer' in NAB" property to quickly get to all agents with incorrect signatures.
Please note that the new "Check Presence in NAB" option is enabled by default. If you have a large NAB and a poor connection, the NAB Checker process may stall your system.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in the Options menu. The last chosen state remains on subsequent starts of the tool until it is changed by the user.
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What's New in databaseEZ 11?
New NAB Presence Checker
Mail Owner column values are checked against the NAB. In the case that no record is found, red colour-coding is applied. You can also use the "Is 'Mail Owner' in NAB" property to find 'orphan' mailboxes even faster.
Please note that the new "Check Presence in NAB" option is enabled by default. If you have a large NAB and a poor connection, the NAB Checker process may stall your system.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in the Options menu. The last chosen state remains on subsequent starts of the tool until it is changed by the user.
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New "Load Current Space Used" Function
This feature gives you a reassessment of the percentage of space used for all applications on your server. This lets you quickly find databases that are unnecessarily eating up server storage.
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New Vertical Column Titles (F11)
This very important feature enables you to oversee all 115 properties and settings managed by databaseEZ. Use the F11 button to activate/deactivate the display of vertical column titles.
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What's New in replicationEZ 11?
New Cluster Analyzer Tool
Get a quick and extended overview of your clusters with replicationEZ's new cluster analyzer tool.
Select a server that belongs to the cluster you would like to analyze, and replicationEZ will work with the Cluster Directory Database on the specified server.
Get a global view of your cluster
Quickly highlight inconsistencies between the settings for databases set in the Cluster directory.
Check the effective presence of the related databases on the server and see discrepancy between the Cluster Directory and the reality.
Instantly see duplicates and missing replicas among your clusters.
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New Replica Creator
Easily create new replicas in a few clicks. Simply select one or more databases you want to replicate and choose your destination server(s).
When replicating a single database only, you can optionally specify a new path for the new replicas.
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New Multi-Server Conflict Counter
Identify databases that contain conflicts, even across multiple servers, and open those conflicts in scanEZ from the Conflict Counter panel directly. Resolve them as needed with scanEZ's conflict solver.
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Enhanced "Discover Replicas" and "Replication History" Charts
When using the "Discover Replicas" or "Replication History Chart" features, replicationEZ now offers new "Setup Dialogs" to let you easily customize the process and outcome. Note that this setup can be bypassed by holding the Ctrl-key.
You can now restrict the scope of search for replicas only to first degree connections. And chart can be built separately from the process.
New chart options can be selected prior to generation.
Cancel any ongoing 'Discover Replicas' threads with this new 'Stop All' button.
An editable zoom percent field has been added to all charts to make it easier to get the big picture.
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New Replica Finder
Find any replica of a database on a selected server. This is especially useful when there is no trace of these replicas in the replication history
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What's New in signEZ 11?
New NAB Presence Checker
This feature in signEZ shows if the signer is present in the current NAB. Signer information is checked against the NAB. If no record is found, a red colour coding is used. You can also use the "Is 'Signed By' in NAB" property to quickly find all design elements with incorrect signatures.
Please note that the new "Check Presence in NAB" option is enabled by default. If you have a large NAB and a poor connection, the NAB Checker process may stall your system.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in the Options menu. The last chosen state remains on subsequent starts of the tool until it is changed by the user.
Using the NAB Presence Checker, two additional filters have been added to the "Settings" panel to either skip the design elements signed by signers that can't be found in the NAB, or process only them.
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