
What's New in EZ Suite 12?

All products are IBM Notes 6, 7, 8 and 9 compatible.

Every major release requires our development team to work long and hard to bring you the next generation of EZ Suite tools. This one is no exception as it is brimming with new features and improvements*, some of which were requested by our users.

What makes EZ Suite 12 revolutionary?
The quick answer is the new XML Automation feature, which will change the way you use Ytria tools by enabling you to create your own macros. Additionally, we are excited to introduce you to a variety of new functions and enhancements found in EZ Suite version 12 products. Explore some of these that are common to all the tools, and others that are specific to each EZ Suite software tool.

If you missed the webcast, you can download an MPEG version of the webcast "What's New in EZ Suite 12?".

'Right click' and 'Save Link As...' the following link to download the file Ytria_Webcast2014-04-16_EZSuite12 [39.2MB].

Please note that to incorporate these major updates, some menus and submenus may have been changed. This redesign reflects a more optimal organization. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

*Most new features and enhancements are only available in the full version software.

What's New in:

EZ Suite Complete

New Feature: Automation

We've implemented this new feature in our tools to enable you to create macros that define a certain chain of actions to be performed, as well as where they need to be performed. All you need is an XML file that provides all the necessary information such as which tool is to be used, what servers or databases to process and the exact actions to be performed. Once you generate the Automation XML file, launch the tool from "Load Automation XML" option from the Database/Server menu.

Alternatively, you can launch the automation script using a command line. You can send off the XML script file to the executable as an argument such as:

"C:\Notes\scanEZ.exe" ="C:\Notes\notes.ini" -x "C:\Automationscript.xml"

This allows you to create a special shortcut that points to the automation script.

See the script examples below that demonstrate the potential of this new functionality.
For a comprehensive list of tool features enabled for automation, go to our Automation Help page.

Access and export the notes.ini file from 3 servers in scanEZ

You can now effortlessly analyze, change and back up your server notes.ini files across multiple servers by using this script. This example lets you ‘replicate’ and save server notes.ini files in a specific path for 3 different servers. Note that this can be extended to more servers or to actions such as locating and deleting, modifying a certain notes.ini line, etc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> 
<ytriaAutomation Application="scanEZ" ApplicationVersion="12.0"> 
	<Load Server="Acme01/ACME" Database="names.nsf"/> 
			<SetParam target="NotesIni" field="Source" value="server"/> 
			<Export FilePath="C:\tmp\Acme01.ini"/> 
	<Load Server="Acme02/ACME" Database="names.nsf"/>
			<SetParam target="NotesIni" field="Source" value="server"/>
			<Export FilePath="C:\Demo\Automation\Exports\Acme02.ini"/>
	<Load Server="Acme03/ACME" Database="names.nsf"/> 
			<SetParam target="NotesIni" field="Source" value="server"/>
			<Export FilePath="C:\Demo\Automation\Exports\Acme03.ini"/>

Load all ACL flags and roles from 3 servers to a HTML file in aclEZ

Security and compliance are important areas in maintaining any IBM Notes Domino environment, and this script lets you create reports across multiple servers, clearly outlining who has access to what. This XML lets you automatically create an extensive report of all ACLs, Flags and Roles from 3 servers to 3 different HTML files.
This can be extended to as many servers as you need.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="aclEZ" ApplicationVersion="12.0">
<Echo Mode="False"/> 
<Load Server="Acme01/ACME" select="true"/>
<TreeSelectionLive Value="True"/>
<Export Type="FlagsAndRoles">
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="FilePath" 
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="ExportType" value="HTML"/>
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="FileOutput" value="Unicode"/>
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" value="true"/>
<Load Server="Acme02/ACME" select="true"/>
<TreeSelectionLive Value="True"/>
<Export Type="FlagsAndRoles">
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="FilePath" 
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="ExportType" value="HTML"/>
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="FileOutput" value="Unicode"/>
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" value="true"/>
<Load Server="Acme03/ACME" select="true"/>
<TreeSelectionLive Value="True"/>
<Export Type="FlagsAndRoles">
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="FilePath" 
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="ExportType" value="HTML"/>
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="FileOutput" value="Unicode"/>
	<SetParam target="ExportToFile" field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" value="true"/> 

Generate a jpg of the Agent Time Line for one Server in agentEZ

Being aware of when and how long your agents are running on your server is essential, and this script helps speed things along by exporting the Agent Time Line (a graphical representation of when and how long your agents ran the last time) for one Server in jpg format.
The image file is stored in a specific path and displays the date and time of the script execution after the file name. Note that this has been set as a silent mode script, so it will run in the background of agentEZ.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ytriaAutomation DlgProgress="False" Application="agentez" ApplicationVersion="12.0" 
<Load Server="Acme01/ACME" Select="True">
<AgentTimeLineCopy Type="File">
	<SetParam Field="FilePath" 
	<SetParam Field="AgentName" Value="Name"/>
	<SetParam Field="AgentTitle" Value="True"/>
	<SetParam Field="AgentFileName" Value="True"/>
	<SetParam Field="AgentPath" Value="True"/>

Find duplicates locally and for one specific server in replicationEZ

The end result of this script is the display of duplicates' Replica ID for local databases and for one specific server. This particular script lets you limit its use to only one identified user. It does this by forcing the use of a specific ID and prompting for a password.
Note that you can add more servers, but this may impact your system depending on a combination of your processing power and large data volumes.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="replicationEZ" ApplicationVersion="12.0" 
Version="1.0" user="ytestMD Ytria/TESTING">
        <SetParam Field="FilePath" Value="D:\Notes\ID\"/>
<Load Server="Local" Select="True"/>
<load server="Acme01/ACME" Select="True">
<Add Column="Replica ID" Index="1"/>
<Add Column="Number of Replicas" Index="2"/>
<Filter Column="Number of Replicas" Mode="Contains" Text="Duplicates"/>

Export an Excel file of very large databases for one specific server in databaseEZ

Storage optimization is a critical task to ensure you get the most out of your Domino Environment, and it may require constant reporting of cumbersome databases. This script accelerates these reports by generating a list of databases with sizes larger than 1GB for one specific server in an XLSX format, which can of course be modified or extended as per your requirements.
The output file is stored in a specific path and displays the date and time of the script execution after the file name. The file is automatically opened at the end of the script.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="databaseEZ" ApplicationVersion="12.0" Version="1.0">
<load server="Acme01/ACME" Select="True">
	<SetParam Field="DBSpecificSize" value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="DBSpecificSizeValue" value="1024"/>
<Add Target="PropertyAnalyzer" Column="Server" Index="1"/>
<Add Target="PropertyAnalyzer" Column="Database Path" Index="2"/>
<Add Target="PropertyAnalyzer" Column="Database Title" Index="3"/>
<Add Target="PropertyAnalyzer" Column="Database Filename" Index="4"/>
<Add Target="PropertyAnalyzer" Column="Database physical size" Index="5"/>
<Remove Target="PropertyAnalyzer" Column="Database Type"/>
<Sort Target="PropertyAnalyzer" column="Database physical size" Ascending="False"/>
<GroupBy Target="PropertyAnalyzer" Column="Server"/>
<Export Target="PropertyAnalyzer">
        <SetParam Target="ExportToFile" Field="FilePath"
        <SetParam Target="ExportToFile" Field="ExportType" Value="Excel2010"/>
        <SetParam Target="ExportToFile" Field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" Value="True"/>

Export database quota warnings for one specific Server in HTML in databaseEZ

Mailbox databases can sometimes grow much faster than anticipated. Here’s a script that lets you automatically find and export (in HTML format) mailboxes with quota warnings on one specific server.
The file is stored in a specific path and displays the date and time of the script execution after the file name. The file is automatically opened at the end of the script.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="databaseEZ" ApplicationVersion="12.0" Version="1.0">
<load server="ACME01/ACME" Select="True">
<Unselect Target="GridDataComposition"/>
	<SetParam Field="Database Title" Value="true" Index="1"/>
	<SetParam Field="Database Path" Value="true" Index="2"/>
	<SetParam Field="Physical Path" Value="true" Index="3"/>
	<SetParam Field="Database Filename" Value="true" Index="4"/>
	<SetParam Field="Quota Warning" Value="true" Index="5"/>
<GroupBy Column="Quota Warning"/>
        <SetParam Target="ExportToFile" Field="FilePath" 
        <SetParam Target="ExportToFile" Field="ExportType" Value="HTML"/>
	<SetParam Target="ExportToFile" Field="FileOutput" Value="ASCII"/>
        <SetParam Target="ExportToFile" Field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" Value="True"/>

EZ Suite Complete

What's New in EZSuite Complete V12?

Export grid data in various native Excel file formats

All Ytria EZ Suite tools now support native Excel exporting of the grid data, even using custom pre-formatted Excel books. This function is available in the Export dialog box from the Grid Actions menu. It supports both Excel 97-2003 and Excel 2007-2010 output file formats. Note that you don't need to have Excel installed to do the exporting.

Improved Quick Search

When you conduct a "Starts with…" search on a sorted column, you will no longer be constrained to search within that column. You can now select any property column, which will be sorted before a given string is found.

Additional option for setting column width

In previous versions, you could resize all columns by double-clicking an intersection between two adjacent columns or manually change their width by dragging and dropping their edges. You may now also adjust the width of a column by the number of characters (including spaces) you want displayed. Start by right-clicking a column to access the Grid Actions submenu, and then input the number of characters in the "Set column width" option.

Enhanced grid copy/paste function with HTML and Rich Text formats

Copy/paste anything displayed in a grid using HTML, Rich Text and simple text formats. This allows you to select the desired output when using Paste Special in any word editor program as well as in IBM Notes.

Format cells and groups at the same time

When formatting dates and numbers with options "Cell Format…" and "Group Format…" from the column sorting dialog box, the custom format can be applied to both groups and cells at the same time from either option.

Improved Regular Expression and Formula History

A Show History button and interface have been added to the standard Regular Expression (Regex) and Formula search dialog boxes, making it easier to select previously used Regex and formula search queries. By opening the history window, you can select previous Regex queries by double-clicking them or by clicking the "Replace" button. Past searches can be deleted from the history using the "Delete" button.

Improved Open Database dialog

In the Open Database (Ctrl+O) dialog box, you can now do the following:

  • 1.) Quickly find databases on selected servers by using Ctrl+F in the Open Database dialog box.
    Note that only databases that are listed in the current folder level can be found. Go up or down a level to search for other databases.
  • 2.) Use previously set display preferences (Title and/or File Name). These are now sticky in all the tools.
  • 3.) Use the F3 key to jump to the next match when a given search has been initiated.

New distinguishable icon for redirection directories

Easily identify redirection directories with a special icon displayed in the Selection Tree in all the tools that show databases on a server. This redirection icon is similar to the one used in the Administrator client.

New access to additional NABs

In addition to all Names and Address books registered in the Directory Assistance database, you can now use an external directory of choice for the following features:

  • NAB Presence checker
  • Group Expander
  • Group Navigator

In order to identify external NABs, create a text file in your Notes\Data directory named "YtriaNABCustomList.txt" and add a line for each external NAB specifying the server and NAB database path in the following format:


Any added custom NAB will be available for selection in the "Select NAB for Check Presence" and "Select NAB for Group member listings" dialog boxes. Note that if you opt to use an external NAB, it needs to have the standard NAB design.

Improved Server Selection Dialog Box

The server selection dialog box now shows a list of previously used servers with a focus on a Type Ahead search box to quickly find and access a specific server.

Improved Server Selection

New Registration by Email

The EZ Suite products can now be registered using email in case the standard web registration is not possible. Selecting this option will send out all necessary information to Ytria servers from the user’s mailbox. The user will then get an automatic reply email with the necessary Activation Code(s) to use with the Ytria tools.
Registration by Email

scanEZ V12

What's New in scanEZ V12?

New Display and Manage Unread Marks

Take stock of unread documents in a database for selected users with the new feature "Search for Unread Documents" in scanEZ. This feature results in new MySelections with documents that are marked as unread for a given user.

Search for Unread Documents

You're also given the ability to add or remove unread marks for selected documents with options "Mark as Unread..." and "Mark as Read..." respectively.

New Saved Searches design Category

Saved Full Text Index searches are now available under the "Saved Searches" design category, including private searches (provided that the "Use Design Collection Note" box is not selected).

Search and Replace

This new Search and Replace feature allows users to search for a given string across one or multiple items for a given subset of notes, and replace it with a string of choice. Note that this feature only supports text and text like items.

This button has been added to the Diff panel, and supports the following actions:

  • Search: When selected, all documents in the current selection and items added in the Search & Replace panel will be searched for the provided string, but no replace action will take place.
  • Preview: This action will search all documents in the current selection and their items previously selected in the Search & Replace panel for the string provided. A window will appear where you can select any occurrences of the string found that should be replaced.
  • Replace: This action will immediately go through with locating the text string and replacing it with another string of the user’s choice without prompting.

Improved Copy/Paste feature of multiple field items

Copying and pasting items in a situation where the item(s) already exist(s) in the back end document includes a selection dialog box that offers users to:

  • Replace existing item(s)
  • Add item(s) (not recommended as this will result in the document having multiple items with the same name)
  • Skip item(s).

Improved "Add Custom Column" dialog box with renaming options

Custom columns in the Values grid can now be renamed for a better overview. This option has been added to the "Add Custom Column" dialog box.

New limit search results of document and design

An additional search option has been added to search features in scanEZ. Users can now limit the number of resulting matching documents using the "Maximum Documents" field in the search dialog box. This improvement applies to the following search features:

  • Search by Formula
  • Extensive Search by Note Class
  • Search Using Full Text
  • Quick Retrieve Contents of View or Folder.

Enhanced Document Creation function

In addition to defining the form name, creating a new document with the "New Document" option now allows you to assign an author to the newly created document and to set its Public Access flag.

New encryption or decryption of multiple documents

This new feature has been added to scanEZ to enable you to encrypt or decrypt individual or multiple documents at once.

aclEZ What's New in aclEZ V12?

New "Search and Replace in Selected ACL Entries" option

In addition to allowing you to rename ACL entries on a mass scale, aclEZ now lets you search for a string in a subset of ACL entries and replace them with another string of choice across multiple databases.

Once the OK button is clicked, you will get a selection grid showing all ACL entries found with the corresponding string in their names. You can then proceed to save changes for all of them, or select matching ACL entries manually to apply changes selectively.

Note that any changes done will need to be confirmed using the Server\Apply Changes feature.

Improved Presence Checker indicator in the NAB Group Navigator Grid

The grid layout of the NAB Group Navigator will now only display an [X] mark next to members and subgroups that are not part of the NAB. Therefore, while a group with members that are not in the NAB is marked in red in the Tree Layout, in the grid layout this group will NOT have an [X] since it is part of the NAB despite the status of its members.

agentEZ What's New in agentEZ V12?

Additional image formats for exporting Agent Timeline

In addition to copying the Agent Timeline to clipboard, agentEZ now lets you save the Agent Timeline in BMP, PNG, JPG or GIF file formats.

databaseEZ What's New in databaseEZ V12?

New Database Type column properties with editing options

Database Type information is now displayed in new column in databaseEZ. The values can be modified from the "Edit Database Basic Properties" right-click menu option.

New encryption status column properties

Column properties "Encryption Option″ and "Encryption Level" were added in databaseEZ to display the encryption status of databases.

New display of User Activity and setting of Record User Activity on/off for multiple databases

New "User Activity Analyzer", with options "Set User Activity ON" and "Set User Activity OFF" have been added to the Tools submenu to display User Activity history for one or multiple databases and to turn Recording of User Activity on and off, respectively.
In the User Activity Analyzer, you can specify a given date-range and even apply a Regular Expression to filter the information. This will help, for example, to look for specific users, disregard certain server names, etc. Additionally, User Activity history is loaded in the User Activity Grid and is available for further filtering, analyzing and exporting.

New display and editing of template release information

Newly added Template Build column properties (version, date, name, tool) are now available in databaseEZ’s "Tab 4 – Design" category to let you see and modify (from the Edit menu) properties that identify the exact template version, release date, release name and release tool associated with the application.

New View and Folder Index Sizes for Selected Database(s) with option to purge selected indexes

This new feature is available in the right-click menu’s Tools submenu, and will work with all databases selected in the grid. Once all view and folder sizes have been analyzed, results will display in the "View and Folder Index Size" panel on the bottom.

Once the results are loaded, you can use the right-click menu’s "Purge Index for Selected View(s)" feature to purge view indexes, even across views located in different databases.

replicationEZ What's New in replicationEZ V12?

New Note Tracker feature to find documents and designs among replicas

This newly added feature in replicationEZ allows you to track one or multiple notes using UNID(s) within selected replicas to determine when they were created, in which replica they were created, when they were replicated and how they were replicated. The results are displayed in a new "Note Tracker" panel.

Detailed error messages on servers in Discover Replicas Chart

The Discover Replicas Chart now offers a popup to explain why certain servers marked with red were not reachable.

signEZ What's New in signEZ 12?

New Saved Searches design category

Saved Full Text Index searches are now available under the "Saved Searches" design category, including private searches (provided that the "Use Design Collection Note" box is not selected).

signEZ What's New in viewEZ 12?

New View/Folder Index Size button feature with option to purge selected indexes

Click this new button to gather index sizes for all selected views and folders. Results will be displayed in the Ytria Grid where you can use grouping and filtering features to analyze them.
You can also purge selected view and folder indexes using the "Purge Index for selected View(s)" button.

New column property Display Abbreviated Date

You now have the possibility to manage the "Display abbreviated date" property in viewEZ for individual or multiple columns in the Columns module.

signEZ What's New in designPropEZ 12?

New Saved Searches design category

Saved Full Text Index searches are now available under the "Saved Searches" design category, including private searches (provided that the "Use Design Collection Note" box is not selected).

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