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consoleEZ / Features / Log Analyzers


Log Analyzers: How they Work

The Log Analyzer scans any and all of the following categories from the server's log.nsf: Miscellaneous Events, Mail Routing Events, Replication Events, Security Events, and Passthru Connections.

Log.nsf categories in IBM Notes.

Each document and its various content fields will be displayed in the Log Analyzer grid.
To do this, consoleEZ pulls out the content of each event document and displays a complete breakdown of all their discrete values so they can be read and arranged more easily.

ImportantTo open a Log Analyzer you need a minimum of Reader access in the log.nsf 's ACL for the selected Domino server.

By default, the log.nsf is the file to be opened when you select a server.

However you can select a different log file with the Choose Log Database menu or with the shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + N
This is useful in cases where the log has been renamed or when accessing a backup.