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scanEZ / Features


Open database with

scanEZ provides the option to open a database in other Ytria tools.
This is a convenient way to switch to any other tool while working on the same database.

Also, scanEZ is the only tool that have the ability to open additional instances of itself on a database.
See How to launch scanEZ for more information.

NoteUser ID considerations:
  • You can also easily work on the same databases with two or more different IDs with several instances of the same tool.
    More information about ID switching is on this page.
  • Open database with uses the initial ID to open the database. Therefore if you do a Switch ID and then open the database with another product, then the initial ID will still be used in the new instance and not the switched ID.

Go to the Database menu. The Open database with option will have the list of available tools to switch to.

NoteThis list displays tools that are installed in the directory of the currently running IBM Notes client.
Any tools that are not installed will appear grayed-out in this menu.