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I've found out when my databases were accessed by using the User Activity Analyzer, how can I make sure that I am only seeing the activity of actual users?


Once you've retrieved the user activity data, you're almost there. By filtering the user names you can quickly take names such as servers out of the equation, leaving you with the true list of actual users.

Before you begin:

The short process shown here assumes that you have already followed the steps shown in the article in response to the question "How can I find out when my databases were accessed last?".

Isolating actual users in the User Activity panel

Image of databaseEZ's User Activity panel with a column filter selected.Step 1 Click on the column filter icon in the column 'User'.
Step 2 Select the 'Value Filters' option.
Image of a column Value filter showing values to select.Step 3 In the opened dialog, find the names that you do not want to show; in this case, you want to find any names that are not actual users.
Step 4 The column 'Selected' will indicate the names currently selected with a checkmark.
Image of a column Value filter showing values selected.Step 5 Uncheck the checkboxes of the user names you do not want to show.
Step 6 Click 'OK'.
Image of databaseEZ's User Activity panel with Values filter applied.With the 'Values' filter now applied, only the user activity for actual users will be displayed. Grid rows containing user activity data linked to non-selected names will be hidden.